French Environmental Labeling

Insights from the July 16th consultation

Here is a brief description of the three levels of data required for French environmental labeling:

Important! For fraud prevention, The DGCCRF must be able to verify all provided fields through random retrospective checks (a posteriori control approach).

Specific data, calculation justifications, product model identification, and market release dates must be made available

Brands can adjust the following parameters within Ecobalyse:

  • Weight

  • Location: Raw Materials, Spinning, Weaving/Knitting, Finishing, Assembly

  • Printing

  • Washing: yes/no

  • % Air transport for distribution

  • Raw Materials

  • Number of references

  • Price

  • Commercialization duration

  • Displayed traceability

  • Company size and repair services offered

Mandatory Parameters for Brands:

  • Type and % of materials constituting the product (at least 2% of total product weight and 5% of total environmental impact)
  • Location: weaving/knitting, finishing, assembly stages
  • Weight
  • Trims/packaging, multi-part products

Important ! The possibility of Level 2 scoring is included in the Law as part of Article 8 of the draft decree on environmental labeling

Key discussions on Level 2 parameters include:

  • CGDD supports environmental experts’ creation of a Level 2 methodological notice. The French authorities invited scoring platforms and LCA experts to collaborate on a draft notice for expedited adoption.

  • Ecobalyse does not plan to incorporate Level 2 calculations into its free online tool.

  • Level 2 should align as closely as possible with the EU PEFCR A&F 2.0 framework.

  • Level 2 parameters and calculations should be easily verifiable by the DGCCRF, ensuring consistent results across different calculation tools.

Next steps:

The initial meeting of platform actors, guided by Ademe, is scheduled for mid-September to collaboratively define and agree on the proposed required fields for Level 2 parameters.

While not explicitly detailed in the decree, Level 3 scoring aims to provide specific data on raw materials and processes beyond Levels 1 and 2.

This advanced scoring will allow brands to more accurately reflect their sustainability efforts using detailed raw material and process data.

Additional Information:

  • Disaggregated Ecobalyse database availability: expected by end October 2024
  • Timeline for Level 1 decrees and orders is pending European Commission notification, awaiting the formation of the new French government.